Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eisley's idea of a feast

Today at lunch Eisley prayed:

"God, thank you for this feast, thank you that I went to school last week, I hope we have a peaceful lunch. Amen."

Our feast consisted of grilled cheese sandwich and applesauce. I hope she is always this easy to please!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brother/Sister Sleep-over

Eisley and Moses are asleep in the same room tonight.  Eisley has been excited - and sometimes reserved - about this impending transition.  The reality is that Moses's bed doesn't fit in Eisley's room anyway - but we are ready to have our room back - and Eisley is as hospitable as a 3 year old can be when welcoming a brother into her room - so we are creating the problem of fitting both of them in the room - and then we will find a way to make it work. This create the problem business is a bit of a parenting mantra of ours actually.
Moses climbed up the slide to Eisley's bed tonight - an accomplishment that made us proud/scared and made Moses laugh/hyperventilate.  I think he was pretty pleased with his progression in coordination and the new heights it will take him to.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Write this down...

Things Eisley said that made us laugh...
We had dinner tonight at Daphne's where Eisley announced her tummy hurt.  I asked her what it was saying (we have taught her to listen to her tummy and let it tell her when it is too full etc.) - she said it was saying "I WANT DESSERT...and I keep telling it NO...but it won't stop saying that."
Later in the car she was talking about the fact that Daphne is not only the name of a restaurant but also a character in Scooby Doo - one of Eisley's current media interests.  She followed that up with "I wish I could be in that story, but I am just in this story.."  We defended our story as being pretty cool too - though admittedly less interesting then Scooby's plot.  She also corrected Eric tonight when he told her that Jesus was going to watch Asher so they could babysit for us tonight.  Eisley told him "Jesus isn't in our story - he is in a different story".
She is apparently tackling some pretty deep questions about narratives and being - must be exhausting...I hope she sleeps well.
We are off to an evening with no kids with Regina.